This project is maintained by pterwoo
To find a list of all the years in this data:
it returns [1952, 1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2007].
To find the number of unique values:
There are 12 unique years.
To obtain the largest value for population in this data,
max_pop = data['pop'].max()
max_pop equals to 1318683096, which is the largest population in the dataset.
To locate when and where this occurred:
max_pop_idx = data['pop'].idxmax()
Running this code shows that the largest population in the dataset occurred in China, 2007.
First, to subset records for Europe, 1952
idx_europe = data['continent'] == 'Europe'
data_europe = data[idx_europe]
idx_52eu = data_europe['year'] == 1952
data_52eu = data_europe[idx_52eu]
Then, we can find which of these countries from Europe 1952 had the smallest population:
minpop_52eu_idx = data_52eu['pop'].idxmin()
mipop_52eu = data_52eu.loc[minpop_52eu_idx]
The country with the smallest population in Europe 1952 was Iceland.
iceland_data_idx = data_europe['country'] == 'Iceland'
iceland_data = data_europe[iceland_data_idx]
icelandpop2007 = (iceland_data[iceland_data['year'] == 2007])['pop']
The code returns 301931, which is the population of Iceland in 2007.