
This project is maintained by pterwoo

Informal Excercise Response

Get a list of all the years in this data, without any duplicates. How many unique values are there, and what are they?

To find a list of all the years in this data:


it returns [1952, 1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2007].

To find the number of unique values:


There are 12 unique years.

What is the largest value for population (pop) in this data? When and where did this occur?

To obtain the largest value for population in this data,

max_pop = data['pop'].max()

max_pop equals to 1318683096, which is the largest population in the dataset.

To locate when and where this occurred:

max_pop_idx = data['pop'].idxmax()

Running this code shows that the largest population in the dataset occurred in China, 2007.

Extract all the records for Europe. In 1952, which country had the smallest population, and what was the population in 2007?

First, to subset records for Europe, 1952

idx_europe = data['continent'] == 'Europe'
data_europe = data[idx_europe]
idx_52eu = data_europe['year'] == 1952
data_52eu = data_europe[idx_52eu]

Then, we can find which of these countries from Europe 1952 had the smallest population:

minpop_52eu_idx = data_52eu['pop'].idxmin()
mipop_52eu = data_52eu.loc[minpop_52eu_idx]

The country with the smallest population in Europe 1952 was Iceland.

iceland_data_idx = data_europe['country'] == 'Iceland'
iceland_data = data_europe[iceland_data_idx]
icelandpop2007 = (iceland_data[iceland_data['year'] == 2007])['pop']

The code returns 301931, which is the population of Iceland in 2007.